There are many different things that make your hearing unique such as your measured hearing loss, age, gender and preferences. One of these contributors which often goes forgotten are your specific ear canal characteristics such as size, length and shape which influences how sound naturally resonates in the ear canal.

There are many different things that make your hearing unique such as your measured hearing loss, age, gender and preferences. One of these contributors which often goes forgotten are your specific ear canal characteristics such as size, length and shape which influences how sound naturally resonates in the ear canal.

Often hearing aids are set according to your hearing loss, but to the hearing aid manufacturer’s targets. Which, although set by years of research, cannot accurately account for your individual ear canal characteristics and how it changes the sound delivered to your ear canal. Through REAL EAR MEASURENTS we can measure the sound that reaches the eardrum through placing a a very thin probe tube into the ear canal as close as possible to your eardrum. This way we can ensure that the sound we want to deliver to your hearing system is actually reaching your eardrum in the same way. We can also confirm that the hearing aid is performing in such a way that provides appropriate benefit to you.

Real ear measurements improve the success rate and satisfaction of especially first time hearing aid users. It also reduces the number of times you will need to come back for follow up adjustments.

Real-ear measurements are considered best practice for hearing aid fittings. As a practice we will always pursue best practice principles in all areas of our service.